Shark Larks

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This blog has been very quiet recently and for good reason. I've been working on a secret project that might well be my highest profile release ever, if I ever finish it. To say it's been a challenge is understatement of the year, but I'm getting on top of it and making inroads now. In the meantime, I wrote a new short story! Last year I was invited by World's Collider contributor and Pax Britannia creator Jonathan Green to write a story for his forthcoming anthology, Sharkpunk. This brand ne...

Fantasy For Good – TOC and how you can help

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So in a moment I'm going to list a few ways you can help us get the word out about Fantasy For Good, which is available for Amazon pre-orders now. In the meantime, here's the full Table Of Contents for Fantasy For Good... Horseman, Pass By – An Introduction  ---  Trent Zelazny The Edge of Magic  ---  Henry Szabranski Annual Dues  ---  Ken Scholes The Kitsune’s Nine Tales  ---  Kelley Armstrong Elroy Wooden Sword  ---  S.C. Hayden In the Lost Lands  ---  George R.R. Martin Worms Rising ...

Machine of Death 2 – the table of contents!

I'm proud of (most of) my story sales, but last year when I heard I'd made it into Machine of Death 2 I couldn't believe it. The sheer volume of submissions (nearly 2,000!) was mind-boggling, and for my tale to be picked out of such a huge slush pile was astonishing and deeply humbling. So here is the table of contents for the second volume of this best selling anthology series. Courtesy of the Machine of Death site, lots of details have been revealed. There's no release date yet, but interes...