Fantasy For Good raises over $10,000 for the CCA

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Fantasy For Good - the paperback cover Yes it's true! The Colorectal Cancer Alliance has confirmed to our publisher, Nightscape Press, that Fantasy For Good - A Charitable Anthology has raised at least $10,290.82 for their outstanding organisation! I say at least because it's been a time-consuming challenge tracking down all the payments that go directly from Amazon to the CCA (Nightscape Press gets none of the proceeds from sales of this book, they all go straight to the charity). This ...

We Don’t Want No PSAs

I'm posting this not to elicit sympathy or support, though both are welcome, but as a kind of Public Service Announcement. Yeah I hate them too but this one is important so please read it. Late last year my wife was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. As you can imagine, that wasn't a fun day and we've been dealing with the repercussions ever since. The good news is her cancer was caught early and was confirmed as stage 1. According to the multitude of scans and tests she's undergone, there is ...