Yes it's true, I'm hosting a short story on my site that is completely free. You can read it right now with no strings attached. There are no forms to fill out, no ads to click on, just a free read for all visitors to this site who might be interested.
The story is Yestermorrow, a time-bending SF tale that first appeared in Solaris Rising - the New Solaris Book of Science Fiction. It appears on this site with the kind permission of editor Ian Whates and Solaris head honcho Jonathan Oliver.
free downloads
World’s Collider FREE this weekend!
This weekend only, Nightscape Press is offering its three debut titles for FREE on Amazon Kindle. That means you can download World's Collider for nothing on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (September 14th to 16th).
You can also download Peter Dudar's debut novel, A Requiem For Dead Flies, and Colliderist Trent Zelazny's novella, Butterfly Potion, all for zero dollars (or zero pounds if you're in the UK).
Pretty cool huh?